This article explains how to add or edit Service Recovery entries used in the Duty Manager Logbook. This may be useful when wanting to add your property’s own individual Service Recovery items such as Amenity Setups, Room Upgrades, Welcome Gifts, etc. which may be used as part of the Guest Service Recovery.
In order to create or edit Duty Manager Logbook Problem entries, you must have the following:
- Access to the BPN Maestro HotelAdmin account
- User Permission for System Settings
Step by Step Guide
To add a new Service Recovery entry to your Duty Manager Logbook, you must be logged in with the HotelAdmin account and navigate to System Settings > Service Recovery > New.

Add New Entry
In the new window, enter the following information into the form:
Item: the name of the Service Recovery item you wish to add.
Cost: the amount of money the item costs your hotel when given to the guest.
Currency: your local or preferred currency.

After you have entered all relevant details, click the Create button to submit the form and create the new entry.
Review Service Recovery
The Service Recovery should now be added to the database, you may review your property’s Service Recovery List by entering the name of the newly created item in the search field.
Edit Existing Entry
At times it may be necessary to make changes to the existing Service Recovery entries, which can be achieved by logging in with the HotelAdmin account and navigate to System Settings > Service Recovery and press “Edit” in the action menu to the right of the entry.

Edit Recovery Entry
In the newly opened window, you will see all listed Service Recovery details. Feel free to make changes where necessary and press the Update button to save your changes.